I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience but in this present day we live in a world where some people have no sense of business ethics. These intrusive people use high-tech software used to scan the internet for valid e-mail addresses. When they find an e-mail address they then bombard it with spam-mail, usually containing topics unmentionable on this site.

In order to prevent this from happening to this address, I had to use stealth concepts. This means that my e-mail address is visible to you but it is not visible to the software that scans the internet. As you can see my e-mail address is displayed on the graphic below, unfortunately you will have to manually enter my e-mail address into your e-mail program.

If you feel that you have been led to judge me in some way -- I feel that you must have some personal issues...

If you don't approve of any portion of this website -- then go build your own website -- problem solved!

If you're a busy-body and just itching to complain about something -- "Don't Call Me I'll Call You"


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