Entry: #801
Full Name: Past Derek van wyk
Location: Westonaria, South Africa
Referred: Word of Mouth
Favorite: The Churches
Comments: I was trained in "christianty" but seeked and found the truth...
Friday, September 23rd 2011 - 11:49:13 AM
Entry: #802
Full Name: Beneeyah
Location: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Referred: Word of Mouth
Favorite: Answer Pages
Comments: Thanks for releasing the truth!
Thursday, September 29th 2011 - 10:40:53 AM
Entry: #803
Full Name: Keliyah Hassan
Location: Louisville
Referred: Search Engine
Favorite: Salvation
Comments: Praise the Most High!!
Sunday, October 2nd 2011 - 10:49:07 AM
Entry: #804
Full Name: Catherine Writesel
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Referred: Search Engine
Favorite: New Moons
Comments: May YHWH bless all who seek the ancient paths, let the Ruach Ha Kodesh shed light on the word and revelation to our mind to grasp truth and not the deception that is in the word. Praise YHWH for sending me to this site. To confirm what I have learned and what I need to learn. Be Blessed. In the Service of the KING of KINGS!
Monday, October 3rd 2011 - 08:18:43 PM
Entry: #805
Full Name: Julius Bradley
Location: Tampa, Florida
Referred: Search Engine
Favorite: Answer Pages
Comments: And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
Sunday, October 23rd 2011 - 06:10:59 PM
Entry: #806
Full Name: Dreama Simmons
Location: Shenandoah, Pennsylvania
Referred: From a Link
Favorite: Messianic Judaism
Comments: At a very low point in my life I met 2 women from Followers of the Way 70 who showed me the deceptions I had believed all my life. Fayva and Yapha stood by me and helped me come to the Truth. This website has also helped me immensely. May Yahweh bless you for all you are doing in His Holy Name.
Monday, October 24th 2011 - 01:52:46 PM
Entry: #807
Full Name: Adeolu Olusodo
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Referred: Search Engine
Favorite: Salvation
Comments: YaHuWaH be praised!
Thursday, November 10th 2011 - 11:33:11 AM
Entry: #808
Full Name: Carrol Pugh
Location: Jeffersonville, Ky. USA
Referred: Search Engine
Favorite: Sacred Name
Comments: I am a Believer of Almighty Yahweh. I thank Yahshua for what He did for me on he tree. My goal is to enter The Kingdom of Almighty Yahweh, at the appointed time. Praise Yahweh.
Wednesday, November 16th 2011 - 07:20:10 PM
Entry: #809
Full Name: Bill Culp
Location: Excelsior Springs MO.
Referred: Search Engine
Favorite: New Moons
Comments: It's time to wake up,and search YAHuWAH with all of your HEART'S
Sunday, November 20th 2011 - 08:56:04 AM
Entry: #810
Full Name: Kenneth Brestar
Location: Auburn, Washington
Referred: From a Link
Favorite: Lord's Day
Comments: Your wbesite is a real eye opener and has not only opened my eyes on a few things but has confermed many others.
Tuesday, November 22nd 2011 - 10:10:09 PM
Entry: #811
Full Name: Morton Genser,
Location: South Florida
Referred: Search Engine
Favorite: Messianic Judaism
Comments: Nazer for life, 27 years so far
Sunday, December 4th 2011 - 10:14:51 PM
Entry: #812
Full Name: Robert Carpenter
Location: southwest IA
Referred: From a Link
Favorite: Evil Holidays
Comments: We are new to the Messianic faith and we want to meat others in our area.
Saturday, December 10th 2011 - 01:45:34 PM
Entry: #813
Full Name: Robert Stewart
Location: Apache Junction, AZ
Referred: From a Link
Favorite: Messianic Judaism
Comments: To know more about Him
Monday, December 12th 2011 - 06:22:48 PM
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