Does Romans 14:5 release us from observing the Sabbath?
I am a firm believer that the Scripture is the infallible Word of Elohim and in no way does ever contradict itself. If this passage was actually referring to the Sabbath then you would have to throw out the rest of the Scripture. Lets take a in depth look at this passage of Scripture and break it down to see what it is really referring to.
There is one who judges a day from a day and there is one who judges all days. But let each man be assured in the thoughts of his nefesh. (HRV Romans 14:5)
One indeed judges one day above another, another judges every day alike Let each one be completely persuaded in his own mind. (ISR Romans 14:5)
I will make three main points to show that this passage of Scripture not only does not refer to the Sabbath, but can not be referring to the Sabbath.
- First we read "One man" but who was it that instituted Sabbath observance? was it "One man" being Adam or was it our creator? We know through the reading of the Scripture that it was the creator that instituted Sabbath observance not "One man" So the day or days that this reading is referring to are days that man, not our creator instituted and therefore can not be referring to the Sabbath.
- Next we read "esteems one day above another" but without controversy the Jews have always observed Saturday as the Sabbath and Sun-Day observance would not start for almost another 300 years. So again we know the days that this reading is referring to are days that some kept one day and others kept another day and therefore can not be referring to the Sabbath.
- It is a well known fact that there were many sects of Jews at the time of this writing and these sects had various practices and traditions, one of these traditions were fast days. While the Pharisees kept Tuesday and Thursday the Essenes kept another and the Sadducees kept yet another. Many sects such as the pharisees were trying to push their traditions as law and impose these burdensome laws on others. This is an example of what Romans 14:5 was referring to.
Many people are legitimately confused about Scripture out of true lack of understanding while others just plain reject the truth at any cost and this is why we as believers need to return to the truth and be set-apart from those who reject the truth.
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